Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

The Negative Effect of Gum Disease on Overall Health

Jan 11, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: Gum Disease Restorative Dentistry

Gum disease is a common oral health problem in which the gums become swollen, irritated, and infected due to a high level of bacteria, plaque, and tartar beneath the gum line. In the earliest stages of gum disease, gingivitis, the condition is easy to treat. Left untreated, gum disease will continue to progress, putting the health of the teeth and gums at risk and, ultimately, threatening a patient’s overall health. Because we understand there is a direct link between gum disease and overall health, Troy dentists Craig and Marcy Goldin offer restorative dentistry treatments to improve the health of the teeth and gums, and combat gum disease before it has a negative effect on the health of the body.

The Link Between Gum Disease and Overall Health

Although the symptoms of gum disease start off minor, as the condition progresses, it can have serious consequences on the health and structure of the mouth. Gum disease has been known to result in tooth loss and facial collapse for those patients who do not seek treatment for this condition. While these effects are devastating enough, unfortunately, the effects of gum disease do not just extend to the mouth. While it has been suspected for many years, studies now show a conclusive link between gum disease and overall health. It is still unclear whether it is due to an increased level of bacteria, or due to the presence of inflammation, but there is no question that gum disease effects overall physical health. Below are some of the conditions that have been linked to gum disease:

Patients should understand that the link between gum disease and overall health does not just work one way. Not only can gum disease increase the risk of developing certain diseases, but some health problems such as osteoporosis, HIV and other immune system disorders, and diabetes can also increase the risk of oral health problems such as gum disease. Patients who suffer from these conditions will need to be especially vigilant with oral hygiene habits to preserve oral health and prevent dental complications.

Treating Gum Disease

To rid the mouth of harmful bacteria and eliminate inflammation, it is important to treat gum disease. Dr. Goldin offers a range of gum disease treatments that can improve the oral health of patients suffering from all stages of periodontal disease. We can provide patients with effective gum disease treatment that is customized to their specific oral health needs, thus preserving and/or restoring oral health while avoiding the development of more serious physical conditions.

Schedule an Appointment

Dental care is vital to maintaining good oral and overall health. If you are in need of a routine dental exam or are looking for dental treatments to improve the health and aesthetics of your smile, Drs. Craig and Marcy Goldin can help. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about our dental services. We look forward to hearing from you!