Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Dental Fillings vs. Dental Crowns

Oct 13, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry Dental Crowns Dental Fillings

When it comes to restorative dentistry treatments that have stood the test of time, you’ll be hard pressed to find two that can play in the same league as dental fillings and dental crowns. For hundreds of years, dentists have been using variations of these two treatments to repair and rebuild damaged teeth. Modern dental fillings and crowns are more effective and cosmetically appealing than ever before, combining the strength and durability of metal restorations with the natural appearance of ceramic restorations. Truly, art and science have never met at so high a point of intersection.

What many people do not realize is that there is a significant difference between dental fillings and dental crowns. The two treatments are neither similar nor interchangeable. Dr. Craig Goldin and Dr. Marcy Goldin discuss the issue of dental fillings vs. crowns with patients of their Troy dental practice during consultations to determine which treatment is best suited to their particular cases.

Are you a good candidate for a dental filling or a dental crown? To find out, schedule your initial consultation at The Cosmetic Dentistry Institute today.

Comparing Dental Fillings to Dental Crowns

Dental fillings and dental crowns are similar primarily in their general purpose: to make a structurally compromised tooth whole again. Otherwise, they are two very different treatments that would be used in two very different circumstances:

Dental crowns are generally used when the damage to a tooth is too extensive for the remaining tooth structure to support a dental filling.

Learn More about Dental Fillings vs. Crowns

To learn more about dental fillings and dental crowns, or to schedule your initial consultation at our practice, please contact The Cosmetic Dentistry Institute today.