Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Hormonal Changes and Gum Health

Sep 11, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

As a woman, you know that hormonal changes can result in many consequences. Mood swings, weight gain, and skin breakouts are all common occurrences. However, you may not realize that hormone changes can also have alarming effects on your gum health. When your hormones surge, it affects blood flow and biochemical reactions. In turn, you will be more susceptible to gum disease.

Fortunately, when you are aware of these risks, you can take steps to prevent gum damage. On the other hand, if you are already suffering from periodontal disease, our Troy, MI team offers a number of restorative dentistry treatments. For example, since gum disease often results in tooth loss, we can provide several types of prosthetics, including both traditional and implant-supported options.

How Do Hormonal Changes Affect Your Gum Health?

When estrogen and progesterone surge, more blood will flow to your gums. In turn, the tissues will become more sensitive and irritated, prone to inflammation and bleeding. They will also be more responsive to oral bacteria, increasing your risk for periodontitis. With this condition, microbes will work their way into your gums and create pockets around your dental roots. Without appropriate care, the pockets will get larger. As the tissues recede, your teeth will rapidly loosen and eventually fall out.

When Are You Most Susceptible to Periodontal Risks?

You are most at risk for gum disease when you experience sudden, dramatic changes in your hormone levels.

Treatment If You Have Already Sustained Damage

Of course, our first goal is to prevent hormone-related damage by providing routine cleanings and helping you to improve your oral hygiene at home. Nevertheless, we know that dental damage may still occur, and we are committed to providing the most effective care possible.

We will begin by removing bacteria, often during a treatment called scaling and root planing. During this process, we will also smooth down your dental roots, buffing away rough patches that can trap bacteria.

Then, if you have sustained tooth loss, we will provide an appropriate restoration. Dental implants are the most advanced and lifelike solution since they will replace both the roots and the crowns of your teeth. Our experienced team can perform implant surgery and attach your prosthetic all in one location.

Contact Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

We are committed to providing high-quality dental care to women of all ages. Whether you are looking to prevent hormone-related dental problems or you are already suffering from periodontal disease, contact our office today. We will provide personalized care based on your unique needs.