Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Preparing for Your Root Canal Recovery

Jan 9, 2019 @ 12:33 PM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: Root Canal Therapy

Tooth pain that is caused by a deep infection and inflammation can be treated with root canal therapy. At the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute in Troy, MI, our dental team takes pride in offering restorative dentistry treatments that are as minimally painful and invasive as possible.

In this blog post, we provide tips to help you have a fast and healthy root canal therapy recovery.

An Introduction to Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth’s pulp, the soft tissues in the hollow center of the tooth, become infected and inflamed, root canal therapy can be performed to eliminate the infection.

Typically, patients notice the signs of the root canal infection after a gradual or sudden onset of pain and sensitivity. Symptoms can include:

Understanding Your Procedure

Before your procedure begins, we will numb the tooth completely. Additionally, we offer sedation medication options at our practice, to alleviate fear and stress in anxious patients. With these options, patients don’t feel any pain during the root canal therapy procedure.

Aftercare for the First Few Days

Right after your procedure, you may experience some sensitivity or pain as the anesthetic wears off. This is most likely due to the process of removing the tooth’s pulp.

Pain and sensitivity should decrease and wear off in the first few days. If they do not, contact our practice immediately for further treatment.

Over-the-counter medications should be all you need to treat pain after root canal therapy. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be taken as directed for pain, and always be sure to check with your dentist or pharmacist to ensure these over-the-counter medications won’t negatively interact with any existing prescriptions you may be taking.

Take care to avoid hard, chewy, or crunchy foods until your tooth settles. Choose soft foods and drink plenty of water during the first days after the procedure to help speed healing.

Brush and chew carefully if you are wearing a temporary crown; made of a composite material, this crown is weaker than your permanent crown will be, and can come loose much more easily.

Long-term Care

The good news is that your restored tooth can be treated much like your natural teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day will prevent tooth decay underneath the crown. Eliminating most sugary foods and drinks will also help reduce your risk of tooth decay and infection.

With proper oral hygiene and regular dental examinations, your natural tooth could last forever and your dental crown could only need replacement after 15 to 20 years.

We Are Here to Help

Questions about your root canal or other restorative dentistry treatment? We have experience helping patients recover quickly and without discomfort. Reach out to our office online or call us at (248) 519-1919; a member of our staff will be happy to assist you.