Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Is It Worth Getting Invisalign® Treatment as an Adult?

Nov 13, 2023 @ 01:03 PM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: Invisalign

Crooked teeth and alignment issues are not just embarrassing, they can also cause pain and other oral health problems. Invisalign® offers discreet orthodontic treatment, making it a great option for enhancing the smile and improving oral health.

While it’s common for people to undergo orthodontic treatment when they’re children, many adults never got the orthodontic care they needed. Going so long without orthodontic treatment leaves many wondering “is it worth getting Invisalign treatment as an adult?” Serving Troy, MI, Birmingham, MI, and Bloomfield, MI, the dentists of the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute would like to take a moment to explain the many benefits of undergoing Invisalign treatment in adulthood.

Adults Can Benefit from Invisalign

Adults can greatly benefit from Invisalign orthodontic treatment. Not only does Invisalign improve the appearance of the smile, it can alleviate the oral health problems associated with alignment issues.

Invisalign does this with a series of clear trays worn over the teeth throughout the day and night to gradually shift the position of the teeth. The alignment trays can be removed while eating and for brushing and flossing the teeth, making them incredibly easy to use.

Most adults find that using the Invisalign system fits easily into their busy schedules and allows them to feel confident while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Here are some other reasons it’s worth getting Invisalign treatment in adulthood.

Correcting Bite Issues and Improving Oral Health

Bite issues can cause many problems like jaw pain, tooth decay, and wearing down of the teeth. Invisalign corrects bite issues and improves alignment so the teeth will sit properly when chewing and opening and closing the mouth.

This can help alleviate jaw pain caused by bite issues, prevent premature wearing down of the teeth, and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Straighten Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth can be embarrassing, especially for adults. Invisalign can straighten crooked teeth to create a beautiful, more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Because Invisalign trays are clear, many patients will be able to see the results as they progress through treatment. This can help improve confidence even before treatment is done.

Failure to Wear Retainers

Some adults who benefit from Invisalign are those who underwent orthodontic treatment in childhood but stopped wearing their retainers over time. Failure to wear retainers can result in the teeth shifting from their desired position and require additional orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign can correct the shifts that happen with the teeth when retainers are not worn as they should be.

Closing Gaps Between the Teeth

Gaps between the teeth can cause some adults to want to hide their smiles. Invisalign can close gaps between the teeth and create even spacing, helping adults who undergo Invisalign treatment to feel more comfortable and confident with their smile.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

If you are unhappy with the alignment of your teeth or the overall appearance of your smile, Invisalign may be right for you. To find out if you’re a candidate, we welcome you to contact our practice and schedule an appointment at the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute.