Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Will My Dental Implants Look Real or Fake?

Sep 13, 2023 @ 11:14 AM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: Do Dental Implants Look Real Or Fake

Dental implants are the superior replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants are the only restoration to address the loss of the crown and roots of a tooth. During dental implant surgery, titanium posts are placed into the jaw bone. Implants fuse with bone tissues to create a stable anchor for dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Despite the many benefits that dental implants offer, myths still exist surrounding treatment. One common misconception is that dental implants look artificial. At his dental practice serving Troy, Birmingham, and BloomfieldMI, Dr. Craig Goldin is often asked, “Do dental implants look real or fake?” Dr. Goldin is happy to address concerns about the appearance of dental implants and how they compare to natural teeth.

Are Dental Implants Natural-looking?

When patients ask if dental implants look real, we answer with a confident and resounding “yes.” Dental implants are indistinguishable from natural teeth because they have the same form.

Implants are surgically placed in the jaw, where they act as artificial tooth roots. Dental implants support dental restorations and hold them flush to the gums, allowing them to sit in line with natural teeth. 

Restorations are fabricated using high-quality translucent materials that reflect light, further promoting their natural appearance. Up close or from afar, there is nothing to set dental implants apart from real teeth.

Do Dental Implants Blend in With Adjacent Teeth?

Dental implants are natural-looking because they are personalized for each patient. Restorations are designed to blend in with adjacent teeth. When designing dental implant restorations for his patients, Dr. Goldin considers the size, shape, and color of natural teeth. 

Whether fitting implants with crowns, bridges, or dentures, Dr. Goldin ensures that restorations are proportionate to facial features and closely match the shape and color of adjacent teeth. Looking at a dental implant patient, it is virtually impossible to distinguish which teeth are real and which are treated with dental implants.

Do Dental Implants Feel and Function Like Natural Teeth?

In addition to looking remarkably real, dental implants feel and function just like natural teeth. Dental implants provide the most stable anchor for dental restorations. With the support of dental implants, restorations stay in place without shifting or slipping. Patients can bite, chew, and speak with comfort and confidence. The stability of dental implants further adds to their natural-looking appearance.

Dental implants are also easy to care for. While other restorations require special care or need to be removed for cleaning, dental implants are brushed and flossed like natural teeth. Since implants look, feel, and function like real teeth, many implant patients forget they aren’t a natural part of the smile.

Still Concerned About Fake-looking Implants?

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, so worrying about their appearance is justified. The best way to address concerns about fake-looking implants is to work with a skilled and experienced implant dentist, such as Dr. Goldin and the team at the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute. Dr. Goldin has helped numerous patients rebuild their smiles with dental implants. He can provide examples of previous work and give you a preview of what dental implants can do for your smile.

Contact the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

At the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute, we offer several dental implant options to best meet each of our patient’s unique needs. If you are considering dental implant treatment following tooth loss, we can answer any questions you have about candidacy or the treatment process. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig Goldin, send us a message at your earliest convenience.